
海綿寶寶 4分鐘

Something smellshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mS7APoAaNY

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Chapter 11 brings the reader close to the overall development of our current society and looks at translation practice and theory from the heavily technology-influenced market and society.

    Munday introduces the origins, types, uses, and limits of corpus-based translation studies. With the help of technology and accumulation of databases, previous theories or hypotheses can be tested and some patterns can also be found and studied. The different corpora are suitable for different types of purpose and study, and there is a potential that using corpora for research can combine quantitative data, qualitative focus, and descriptive study within translation studies. Due to the large scale and the many difficulties involved, it seems that the project of building a corpus is more feasible for scholars and professors to carry out rather than students. Research studies that use corpus for study seems to be quite handy for the study, analysis, and observation of the interpretation process. Studies on a particular phrase or word or pattern can benefit from a good representative corpus. But of course, there are limits as to the study of stylistic analysis.

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The previous ten chapters in the book Introducing Translation Studies are concerned with written texts or the comparison between two or more texts in different languages. I guess if a person does not have the habit of reading or watching movies, s/he may think that translation seems to be none of their business. If it so happens that that person is reading Chapter 11, I think this chapter can provide him/her some new insights about living with translation in everyday life. For me as a student learning about translation, this chapter is rather interesting to me as I have keen interest on translations in daily life, especially movies and cartoons.


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 Baker 及其他語料庫專家的著作說明了語料庫種類,從單語語料庫 (monolingual corpora)、比較語料庫 (comparable corpora)、平行語料庫(Parallel corpora)。

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Philosophy can always give me a big headache. In reading philosophical theories of translation, I have to at least read a couple of times before I start to understand a bit of it (despite I did read a few about that last semester). From reading the theories proposed by George Steiner, Ezra Pound, Walter Benjamin and Jacques Derrida, it is obvious that theories of translation are no longer about the pursuit of accuracy and fidelity, but are open to more variations, like foreignness proposed by the first three theorists mentioned above.


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作者首先介紹Steiner的闡釋學(hermeneutic motion)Steiner認為,闡釋就是理解原文,並且以一種普遍的意義模式分析其過程(to “understand” a piece of oral or written speech, and the attempt to diagnose this process in terms of a general model of meaning”Steiner認為翻譯不是一門科學,而是一種嚴謹的藝術(an exact art),他提出的闡釋一共分成四個階段:初期信任(initial trust)、攻佔(aggression)、吸納(incorporation)、補償(compensation)。譯者首先要相信原文裡有訊息值得而且可以翻譯,接著,譯者把原文「俘虜」,第三是把原文帶入譯入語中,而此舉將可能影響譯入語,所以需要第四階段的補償,使譯文原文能達到平衡。同時,就像「回聲」或「鏡子」的意象,譯文也豐富的原文。Steiner提出翻譯會造成失衡(imbalance)的狀況,當原文勝過譯文,則譯文能更加細膩精確地凸顯原文的價值,當譯文勝過原文,譯文則能顯現原文原本沒有顯現出來的潛在價值。Steiner認為忠實(faithful)的譯者就是要致力於保留這些原文力量的平衡,而不懷著特定的目的來理解原文。

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   本章以哲學角度解釋翻譯行為,著重的是翻譯過程背後的理解與意義。作者首先討論Steiner的詮釋學,所謂詮釋學方法即是研究譯者如何「理解」口頭或書面語言,並試圖以一種普遍的意義模式概括這個過程。對Steiner來說,翻譯是一門藝術,所有的表意過程和帶有闡釋性的接受行為都是可以翻譯的這種整體化的翻譯活動涵蓋四種步驟:信任、攻佔、吸納與補償。Steiner認為,這種流動、富有道德且不破壞平衡的詮釋方法能使譯者忠於文本,以作出負責的反應。既然翻譯活動是理解的過程,譯者必須跳脫自身的框架,巧妙地融入他者,才能體驗語言與文化的差異;過程中,譯者會在排斥性差異(resistant difference)和選擇性契合(elective affinity)之間拉扯,而這兩種張力就會體現在譯作中,使譯作具有「解釋性的陌生感」(elucidative strangeness)。


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